syringe driver造句


  1. Syringe drivers may be used with the syringe as well.
  2. Syringe drivers are also useful for delivering IV medications over several minutes.
  3. When used in the palliative care of cancer patients, diamorphine is often injected using a syringe driver.
  4. In enzyme kinetics syringe drivers can be used to observe rapid kinetics as part of a stopped flow apparatus.
  5. Palliative care physicians will commonly prescribe it orally or via subcutaneous syringe drivers in combination with opioid analgesics such as hydromorphone.
  6. It's difficult to find syringe driver in a sentence. 用syringe driver造句挺难的
  7. Moor set the diamorphine level at a rate of 30 mg per 24-hours by means of a syringe driver.
  8. Her mother found that she had disconnected her morphine from the syringe driver and connected it to a Hickman line to be fed directly into a vein.
  9. Another use of syringe drivers is in palliative care, to continuously administer analgesics ( painkillers ), antiemetics ( medication to suppress nausea and vomiting ) and other drugs.
  10. To maximize this concentration gradient effect, the starting material, i . e ., hydroxycarboxylic acid ( seco acid ), is fed slowly into the system with a syringe driver.
  11. When seco acid is added into the system little by little using a syringe driver, all of the reactant is quickly converted into MA; then, the MA is immediately consumed by the cyclization reaction.
  12. Other options for medically intractable pain which do not involve open surgery include implantation of an intrathecal pump ( a syringe driver delivering medication into the space around the spinal cord ) administering local anaesthetics and / or opiates
  13. Diamorphine continues to be widely used in palliative care in the UK, where it is commonly given by the subcutaneous route, often via a syringe driver, if patients cannot easily swallow fat soluble and therefore more potent by injection, so smaller doses of it are needed for the same effect on pain.
  14. Called TCI ( target controlled infusion ), it involves using a computer-controlled syringe driver ( pump ) to infuse propofol throughout the duration of surgery, removing the need for a volatile anaesthetic and allowing pharmacologic principles to more precisely guide the amount of the drug used by setting the desired drug concentration.
  15. Subcutaneous injections are one preferred means of delivery when it has become difficult for patients to swallow or to take pills orally; and if repeated medication is needed, a syringe driver ( called an infusion pump in the US ) is often likely to be used, to deliver a steady low dose of medication.


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